Attack is a “hate response” to a “hate preacher,” psychoanalyst Maria Rita Kehl told Brasil de Fato
Brazilian version of Agrifood Atlas provides a comprehensive picture of the agriculture industry in Brazil and the world
Former president’s running mate announced next moves to protect Lula’s political rights after visiting him in prison
Historic landmark housed more than 20 million artifacts; director says not much was left
Court may take time to rule on ex-president’s case, while his party files appeals to ensure he has the right to campaign
Cinthia Abreu, from the World March of Women, says struggle against lesbophobia is coming from the outskirts
Psychoanalyst addresses impacts of intolerance against immigrants and how to cope with the hatred that is part of humans
During solidarity rally on Saturday, protesters say struggle continues
Former president thanked activists for their protest and reiterated his commitment to Brazilian people
President of Brazil’s upper chamber, Eunício Oliveira, stated that international covenants are in full force and effect